Off the shelf parts coupled with some sweet new interactions.

How it works: a few more details of Lantern.

Different content for each surface

Lantern makes use of the built-in accelerometer to change channels just by rotating the head.

If you can see it, you can use it

Connect to Lantern through Google Nearby. We use a proximity-based permissions, rather than user identity.

Change the channel

Tap a plane to change the channel and customise its appearance.


Works with existing services

Lantern integrates with services you use already: Google Calendar (via the iCal format), Spotify and Google Play Music (via the Cast protocol)

Start in Processing

Using the Processing-Android project, you can start development of a channel in the accessible Processing language, and then port it over to a channel if you like. This is how we developed Space Porthole!

Want to learn more? Check out how you can make your own, or browse the code.